Tibetan Book of the Dead Teachings

H.E. Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche will begin teaching at Boston again starting next Monday, Oct 13th, from 7:00-8:30pm. Rinpoche in the first class will review his teaching on the practice of meditation including mindfulness and awareness. Then in the following classes Rinpoche will teach on the Tibetan Book of the...

Tara Teaching & Meditation by H.E. Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche

H.E. Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche gave the oral transmission and explanation of the Tara practice before he left Boston for Sikkim and his Asian teaching tour. Rinpoche who generously taught the mantra, mudra, and visualizations for this practice. Rinpoche explains that this practice is helpful for any circumstance, since Tara...

Boston Meditation Course Completed!

Boston Meditation Course Completed! Zurmang Gharwang Rinpoche presented certificates to the Zurmang Kagyu Boston group students who completed the meditation course in Boston. For the last six month the students have been learning and practicing meditation under the guidance of Rinpoche. The students are now looking forward to the...